Offering your employees an active and healthy festive season

As the festive season approaches, it's a time for joy, reflection, and, importantly, taking care of your employees well-being. At the Fit and Wellness Hub we're excited to offer your team a special Christmas package that promotes physical health and mental well-being over the holiday period.

November 30, 2023

As the festive season approaches, it's a time for joy, reflection, and, importantly, taking care of your employees well-being. At the Fit and Wellness Hub we're excited to offer your team a special Christmas package that promotes physical health and mental well-being over the holiday period.

You can offer your employees a fixed low-cost 2 or 4 week package, where they will receive:

  • Unlimited access to our comprehensive online fitness platform
  • Thousands of workouts, featuring everything from yoga to cardio and everything in between
  • Something for everyone, regardless of age or fitness level
  • Fun and engaging AI-based holiday fitness challenge(s) to keep everyone active and connected.

The amazing benefits of this are:

  • You can show your workforce you care about their wellbeing - give them access to a world-class on-demand health fitness platform over the Christmas break
  • Combat holiday inactivity and loneliness with engaging fitness sessions
  • Improve physical and mental health
  • Build a culture of health and well-being in your team

We’re offering these fixed-term packages at a special discounted rate, so get in quick and offer it to your employees before Christmas…. Let’s make this festival season a time of health and happiness for your team.

1. Initial Setup:
Using a camera or a mobile device, the AI system captures your movements. Some systems may require a brief calibration period where you perform specific exercises to help the AI understand your body’s unique dimensions and movement range.

2. Real-Time Analysis:
As you exercise, the AI continuously tracks the positions and angles of your joints.This live analysis ensures that you are performing each exercise with thecorrect form, which is crucial for both effectiveness and injury prevention.

AI-Powered Coaching: Personalised Feedback at Your Fingertips

One of the standout features ofAI-based fitness workouts is the real-time coaching it offers. Unlike traditional workout routines where feedback might come only after the session, AI systems provide immediate, actionable advice.

What You Can Expect:

  • Form Corrections:
    AI systems often include motivational elements, offering encouragingcomments or reminders to keep you on track. This personalised interaction can significantly enhance your workout experience and adherence.
  • Encouragement and Motivation:
    AI systems often include motivational elements, offering encouraging comments or reminders to keep you on track. This personalised interaction cansignificantly enhance your workout experience and adherence.

Detailed Reporting: Tracking Your Progress

Post-workout summaries provided by AI systems are another major benefit. These reports give you a comprehensiveview of your exercise session, breaking down various aspects of your performance.

Key Features of AI Reporting:

  • Accuracy Scores:
    The AI evaluates how closely your movements align with the ideal form and provides a score that reflects your precision. This metric is valuable for tracking improvements over time.
  • Performance Metrics: Detailed statistics on your workout, such as the number of repetitions, range of motion, and exercise intensity, are compiled to give you a clear picture of your session.
  • Progress Over Time: By analysing data from multiple sessions, AI can track long-term progress and highlight areas where you’ve improved or need additional focus.

AI Workouts for WorkplaceWellness: A New Frontier

AI-based fitness workouts are well-suited for workplace wellness programs. With many employees spendingextended hours at desks, integrating fitness challenges that utilise AItechnology can promote health and well-being in a modern, engaging way.

Create a Challenge for your Workplace:

  • Customisation: AI systems cantailor workouts to accommodate different fitness levels, making them inclusive for all employees.
  • Flexibility: Employees canengage in workouts at their convenience, reducing barriers related to time and access to gym facilities.
  • Enhanced Engagement: Real-time feedback and scoring create a dynamic environment, encouraging participants to stay motivated and compete in workplace fitness challenges.

As AI continues to advance, its potential to transform fitness routines grows exponentially, particularly for organisations, large or small.

From providing precise form corrections to offering detailed performance analytics, AI-based fitness workouts represent a significant leap forward in personal and corporate health initiatives.

By incorporating these intelligent systems into workplace wellness programs through a monthly or ongoing challenge, companies can foster a healthier, more engaged workforce. AI's ability to deliver personalised, real-time feedback and detailed performance analysis ensures that employees not only stay motivated, but also improve their health more effectively, adding to the bottom line of the business.
Plus, it’s great fun for the entire team!

Contact The Fit & Wellness Hub to discuss how you can integrate AI into your corporate wellness programs.  
Create fun and engaging challenges for your entire workforce, without breaking the bank.